Gedalia Abayev

Gedalia Abayev is an Israel-based artist, originally from the Republic of Dagestan in the North Caucasus. Working in the style of lyrical expressionism, he strives to capture emotions in their purest and most intense form. To him, emotions are ever-evolving—they originate from a single point and expand, both in depth and artistic expression. He perceives color as a language of emotions, where different shades unite to create a cohesive state of being.

His work is profoundly shaped by the interplay between his inner world and his perspective on external events. He views inspiration not as a personal possession but as a divine gift—a means to understand the world and explore the intricate interconnections of existence.

Gedalia’s artistic mission is to depict the land of Israel as the dwelling place of God. Through his paintings, he seeks to evoke in viewers a belief in a singular, benevolent force that governs the world—one that, in his eyes, resides in Israel.